TBM Education and Certification

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How To's: The TBM Certification Exam - 09.19.17 

09-19-2017 13:51

If you have taken the TBM Executive Foundation Certification Course, one of the steps you need to complete to become a Certified TBM Executive (CTBME®) is passing the exam. Here are a few important points about the exam:


  • The exam and all certification requirements are governed by the TBM Council and our board of directors. If you take the course from one of our Accredited Education Providers, you will still take the exam administered by the TBM Council.
  • The exam is online. Upon completion of the TBM Executive Foundation Certification Course the exam will unlock allowing you access the exam.
  • There are 60 multiple choice questions chosen randomly by the software from an exam bank. Each is weighted equally. There is no partial credit given for partially correct answers.
  • You have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete the exam in one sitting. There is no ability to pause the exam, so be sure to have a proper space and uninterrupted time to take the exam.
  • Take the exam within 30 days. This will help ensure you are taking it while the content is fresh in your mind. To study, I recommend reviewing the student guide once or twice before taking the exam.
  • The exam is closed book. It is on your honor to put away the student guide, notes and other aids when taking the exam.
  • The passing score is 70% (42 of 60 questions). You’ll know when you finish. You will not know which questions you answered correctly or incorrectly.
  • Because we do not offer a practice exam, we offer one retake without an additional fee. However, we also require a period of at least 2 days before resetting your exam code for the retake. Since no two exams are identical (the questions are chosen randomly from a bank of questions), plan to pass the exam the first time; do not treat it as a practice attempt.


If you have any questions about the exam, please email me directly as I'm often traveling and have limited access to this site.



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