TBM Framework & Taxonomy

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TBM Taxonomy V2.1 

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TBMC_TBMTaxonomy_V2.1 FINAL.pdf   1.29 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-22-2020
03-19-2018 14:04

This paper provides a detailed description of the Technology Business Management (TBM) taxonomy Version 2.1 updated March 2018.  It is designed to be shared with the TBM Council Standards Committee for the purpose of gathering feedback and communicating changes and updates. The document is also made available via the TBM Council’s community web site, TBM Connect (www.TBMConnect.org), for all members to read and use the information. For more information on the Standards Committee, see last page of this document or refer to the TBM Council Standards Committee Charter, also available on TBM Connect.


Summary of the 2.0 to 2.1 changes:


Cost Pools

  • Software > License:  changed the name from Subscription (implies SaaS) to License (on premise software)


IT Towers

  • Platform  
    • Created a new IT Tower called Platform
    • Moved Database and Middleware sub-towers from Applications tower to the new Platform tower
  • Compute
    • Added High Performance Computing IT sub-tower
  • Delivery
    • Renamed Project Management sub-tower to Program, Project & Product Management to incorporate Agile



  • Delivery Services (ITIL and Agile impacts)
    • Added Scheduling service to Delivery > Operations
    • Renamed Monitoring to Event Management in Delivery > Operations
    • Added representative service offerings to cover all ITIL processes
    • Renamed Program & Project Management to Program, Product & Project Management to incorporate Agile
  • Platform Services
    • Broadened the scope of Machine Learning to Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence; moved from the Data to Applications service category.


In addition, minor edits to IT Tower and Service definitions to provide more clarity around security, compliance and risk management scope.  Changed the word "company" to "organization" to be broader than commercial enterprises.


A summary of the changes is also available in the TBM Taxonomy Conceptual Graphics PowerPoint deck (slide #3) and the first sheet of the TBM Taxonomy v2.1 spreadsheet.


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04-23-2018 20:13

Ed Hayman, how do you recommend giving feedback to the council?  Example, no sub-tower definitions reference containers.  Thanks

04-02-2018 05:44

Hi Ed,


On page 14 it says there will be templates for business application services in the future. Any chance you have one for government yet? I will need to make one shortly and would prefer to standardise if possible




03-28-2018 04:39

Hi Ed,

will the 2.1 taxonomy be available in the TBM Taxonomy Explorer?

I love to have it as a quick reference, would be great to see the changes there also. :-)



03-20-2018 12:10


A summary of the changes is available in the TBM Taxonomy Conceptual Graphics PowerPoint deck (slide #3) and the first sheet of the TBM Taxonomy v2.1 spreadsheet.  I will also update the description on this page to highlight the changes. 


Thanks for the feedback!


03-20-2018 06:45

Hi Ed,


Is there a summary of the changes from version 2 to version 2.1?



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