TBM Education and Certification

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Process/Steps for Becoming a Certified TBM Executive 

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02-15-2017 12:57

The TBM Council is proud to offer an education and certification program to help provide the verifiable knowledge and skills needed to initiate and run a successful TBM program and to drive a business transformation within IT. The TBM Executive Foundation course is an important step in your career as both a TBM leader and an IT, finance or business executive. 


The following steps should be taken to become a Certified TBM Executive per the TBM Council's TBM Executive Foundation Certificate program and syllabus.


  1. Meet or be on a path to meeting the Professional Experience and Education requirements set forth in the syllabus. These allow some flexibility, depending on whether or not you have a college degree (Bachelor's degree or equivalent). We encourage professionals who are early in their career (e.g., recent college graduates) and are in a TBM-related role to take the course, even though they may be two years away from meeting their experience requirements.
  2. Take the TBM Executive Foundation Certification course offered by the TBM Council or any TBM Council Accredited Education Provider. The price of the course includes the license fees necessary for certification and verification along with two years of certification maintenance.
  3. Pay for and complete the TBM Executive Foundation Certification exam with a score of 70% or better. When taking the exam, you will be asked to provide your full name, as you'd like it to appear on the certificate. We recommend First Middle Last or First Middle-Initial Last. You will also be asked if the TBM Council may list your name and your company name on our web site, such as those listed here.
  4. Verify you meet the Professional Experience and Education requirements by following the steps described here.


Upon completing these steps, it may take 3-4 weeks for the TBM Council to complete its process and issue an electronic certificate document and number (format CTBME-99999). Upon fulfilling all requirements, you will receive the following:


  • An electronic (PDF) certificate that you can print and/or keep for your records.
  • A certificate number in the format CTBME-99999. This number is unique to each certified executive.
  • A logo and a banner you can use in your communications such as your email footer, LinkedIn profile, etc.


If you have any questions about these steps or the certification program in general, please contact us at certification@tbmcouncil.org

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02-18-2022 01:08

am planning to take this course in March  and the exam as well. I have read the TBM book and has gained knowledge about TBM from other resources. so, I have theoretical knowledge but no prior TBM implementation experience.

 Please guide if it is possible to pass the exam and any source available to prepare for the exam,

08-17-2018 11:50

This was an excellent course. After working with the Apptio app for some time and doing a couple of implementations in different agencies, I was concerned that it would be just something I would have to sit through for the record, but the class was filled with current TBM implementers from whom I learned quite a lot in 2 days. The instructors were also very experienced with their own organizations TBM implementation, as well as being well-prepared and engaging. The time went by very quickly and productively. Highly recommend.

06-08-2018 12:19

thank you, good information

05-24-2018 18:05

Thanks for the information

03-17-2018 18:09

I’ve done this course and I would recommend it to others. Very useful for those seeking to apply the TBM framework in their organisation. My group had a great mix of finance, commercial and operations IT professionals 

02-16-2018 02:53

Useful information

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