TBM Conference 2015

Lessons Learned along a TBM Journey 

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11-09-2015 13:15

Presented by Kim Manigault, CFO, Technology & Operations, KeyBank


In 2012 when Kim Manigault joined KeyBank, the decision was made to start down a path to cost transparency. But it was January 2015 before the KeyBank team would begin their true journey into Technology Business Management (TBM) and begin to experience the power of managing IT costs through a transparent view. Why such a long journey? In this candid conversation, Kim will share the lessons their team learned, provide fact-based guidance on their approach, and how once their team embraced the TBM path – they were live in less than 100 days and instantly began achieving positive results. Including benefits such as monthly reviews using a TBM dashboard, immediate TBM reports for their CIO to update her executive peers, and how the power of benchmarking has provided beneficial insights.

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