Board Director, Author, Technology Advisor and former Microsoft CIO
Jim DuBois is a 25 year veteran of Microsoft, spending the last four years as CIO before retiring in September of 2017. Prior to his appointment as CIO, Jim held leadership roles in Microsoft product groups, Information Security, and IT Application, Infrastructure and International positions. Prior to Microsoft Jim spent several years at the company now known as Accenture, and has degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Washington. Since leaving Microsoft, Jim has published a book on what
he learned in the transformation of Microsoft, Six Word Lessons on How to Think like a Modern-Day CIO. He is very active in the startup community serving on 7 advisory boards and a part-time Venture Advisor with Ignition Partners. He also serves on the corporate board of directors at Expeditors International, and 3 non-profit boards, including the Chairman role for Stronger Families.
The presentation content posted here was delivered live by Jim at European TBM Summit 2018.
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